
Notes of important topics

Lesson – 9 Have a Cup of Nice Tea

Tea is an evergreen shrub. The fermented, dried leaves are infused to make a beverage of the same name. It was seen in China as early as 2737 B.C. Later in 1823, it was found
growing wild in North India. It grows to a height of 12″ to 40″. The young shoots and leaves are picked every 5 years. Once plucked, the young leaves are spread out for 4-15 hours. They are then broken up and dried and graded.

I am a tea shrub from the gardens of Kerala. I am 3 years old. My friends say I am very delicate, innocent, alert, always happy and beautiful. My height is 36″ (approx). My parents told me that our relatives are present all over the world. Even though people all over the world make tea but the best manner of preparing tea is a subject of violent

How do you prepare tea?

When I go through the cookery books for a perfect cup of tea, I find many ways of making it. Here are my own rules which I have deduced from the discussions with the elders of our family about tea and its preparation.

First of all, one should use Indian or Ceylonese tea. Nowadays it is economical and one can drink it without milk but there is not much stimulation in it. Anyone who uses the comforting phrase “a cup of nice tea”, means Indian tea.

Secondly, tea should be made strong. One cup of strong tea is better than twenty weak ones.

Thirdly, the tea should be taken in small quantities. Fourthly, tea should be served hot. One should take the tea cups to the kettle and not the other way.’ Fifthly, after making tea, one should stir it, or better give the pot a good shake and allow the leaves to settle. Lastly, one should drink out of a cylindrical cup.

Hope the next time you try to make tea, you would follow these golden rules.

Have a Cup of Nice Tea
Have a Cup of Nice Tea

Q.1. Answer the following questions :
(i) Who is ‘I’ in the lesson?
Ans. ‘I’ in the lesson is a three-year-old tea shrub from the gardens of Kerala.

(ii) How is the beverage (tea) made?
Ans. The fermented dried leaves of tea are infused to make the beverage.

(iii) The phrase ‘A Cup of Nice Tea’ is generally used for which tea?
‘A Cup of Nice Tea’ सामान्यतया किस चाय के लिये प्रयुक्त होती है ?
Ans. A Cup of Nice Tea’ is used for Indian tea.
‘A Cup of Nice Tea’

(iv) What is the subject of the violet dispute?
Ans. The best manner of preparing tea is a sub- ject of violet dispute.

Tick (V) the correct answer : The lesson is in the form of an autobiog-
(i) raphy because it is about: (द लेसन इज इन द फॉर्म ऑफ एन ऑटोबायोग्रॉफी

(a) the tea (V)
(b) the shrub that talks about itself
(c) the place
(d) the country.

(ii) The beverage (tea) is made from :
(a) young shoots or leaves (V)
(b) young roots
(c) the fruits



(d) the seeds. (द सीड्स.) Complete the flow chart to show how you make tea :

(कम्प्लीट द फ्लो चार्ट टू शो हाऊ यू मेक टी)

Arrange the phrases in the box. (अरेज द फ्रेसस इन द बॉक्स.)

(i) Put the bowl on stove. (पुट द बाउल ऑन स्टोव.)

(ii) Take a bowl with some water in it. (टेक बाउल विथ सम वाटर इन इट.)

(iii) Add tea leaves. (ऐंड टी लीव्स.) (iv) Add Sugar. (ऍड सुगर.) (v) Add milk. (ऐंड मिल्क.) (vi) Filter in a cup. (फिल्टर इन अ कप.) (vii) Leave the mixture to boil. (लीव द मिक्सचर टू बॉइल.)

Take a bowl with some water in it (टेक अ बाउल विथ सम वाटर इन इट)

Put the bowl on stove (पुट द बाउल ऑन स्टोव )

Add tea leaves (एैड टी लीव्स)

Add milk (एैड मिल्क)

Add sugar (एैड सुगर)

Leave the mixture to boil (लीव द मिक्सचर टू बॉइल)

Filter in a cup (फिल्टर इन अ कप)

Q. 4. Imagine yourself as the tea shrub given in the passage and fill the biodata : (इमैजिन योरसेल्फ एैज़ द टी शब गिवन इन द पैसेज एण्ड फिल द बायोडाटा : )




: Tea shrub


: (टी-शब)


: Gardens of Kerala

(एैड्रस) Age

: (गार्डन्स ऑफ केरला)

: 3 years


: (3 यीअर्स)

Weight (वेट)

: 2.5 kg

: (2.5 किलोग्राम)

Characteristics : I grow on hill slopes.


: (आई ग्रो ऑन हिल स्लोप्स.) My height is 12m.

(माई हाईट इज़ 12 मीटर)

I am delicate.

(आई एम डेलीकेट.)

I remain green all the year round. (आई रिमेन ग्रीन ऑल द इयर


Your views about the beverage (tea) :

[ योर व्यूज़ अबाउट द बेवरेज (टी) : ] 1. Tea is the most common beverage in the world. (टी इज द मोस्ट कॉमन बेवरेज इन द वर्ल्ड.)

2. Tea is a very refreshing drink. (टी इज़ अ वेरी रिफ्रेशिंग ड्रिंक.)

3. It is prepared by adding tea leaves to boiling water and milk. (इट इज़ प्रीपेयर्ड बाई एडिंग टी लीव्स टू बॉयलिंग वॉटर एण्ड मिल्क.)

4. Tea is drunk hot. (टी इज़ ड्रंक हॉट.)

5. Some people are addicted to tea. (सम पीपल आर एडिक्टड टू टी.)

6. Too much drinking of tea causes health problems.

(टू मच ड्रिंकिंग ऑफ टी कॉज़ेज हेल्थ प्रॉब्लम्स.)